W9WAR, the Amateur Radio Club from Milltown, Wisconsin in Polk County, Wisconsin connected with a disabled Ham, Joel – KD9ZGZ from Polk County, Wisconsin, to celebrate his birthday and make contacts.

Amateurs from the W9WAR club demonstrated some emergency operations capability by setting up an ad hoc station in Joel’s driveway, using his front yard to put up a temporary antenna.

We established communications with various Amateur Radio Operators from the Yukon Territory (talk about ‘up north’) to South Florida. Assisting in facilitating the event was Gerald – W0UH from HandiHams out of Missouri and a local friend, Ernest – K9ERN from Amery, Wisconsin. From our club was Bill – K9WEN, John – N0TCN, Gale – WD9HFT, and Rod – N6NII.

We had a great time sharing pizza, birthday cake, ice cream, and some Ham radio fun!